Quercus palustris

Scientific name: Quercus palustris


Common names: “Pin oak” “Swamp Spanish oak”

Plant Type: Deciduous tree


Zone: 5-8

Light: Full sun

Exposure: Exposed or sheltered

Soil: Wide range – prefers acidic, can become chlorotic in too alkaline soil

Moisture: Moist well drained, tolerant of some flooding and poor drainage


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Plant Size: H 50-60′ can be 100′ W 25-40′, shallow rooted

Leaf and Stem shape: Deeply lobed leaves with whisker-tipped teeth, turn bright crimson in autumn

Flower: Inconspicuous flowers followed by characteristic acornsImage result for quercus palustris

Pruning: Minimal, doesn’t require regular pruning, just remove DDD’s, any larger cuts can be done in the winter

Maintenance: Low, do not lime, leaf raking, acorns drop but the squirrels take them right away

Landscape use: Parks and estates, roadside plantings

Propagate: By seed and grafting

Pests & Disease: Disease free, pretty tough

Comments: ~AGM winner & Great Plant Pick award winner, native to southeastern North America

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