Spiraea nipponica ‘Snowmound’

Scientific name: Spiraea nipponica ‘Snowmound’

Synonym: Spiraea nipponica Maxim. var. tosaensis misapplied


Common names: “Snowmound spiraea”

Plant Type: Deciduous shrub


Zone: 4-8

Light: Full sun – semi shade , full sun best

Exposure: Exposed or sheltered

Soil: Not fussy, better in fertile soil

Moisture: Moist well drained, dry


Plant Size: 3′-5′ H & W

Leaf and Stem shape: Arching branches bearing small obovate leaves

Flower: Short lateral shoots ending in rounded corymbs, of small white flowers

Pruning: Cut out older canes to base, coppice ones with colourful foliage

Maintenance: Cut out old growth yearly

Landscape use: Low maintenance flower borders and beds, banks and slopes

Propagate: By layering

Pests & Disease: None in Victoria

*Deer resistant ?

Comments: tolerant of all but the most extreme conditions

~AGM winner

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