Berberis darwinii

Scientific name: Berberis darwinii


Common names: “Darwin barberry”

Plant Type: Evergreen shrub


Zone: 7-9

Light: Full sun – part shade

Exposure: Exposed or sheltered

Soil: Average, any acidic soil

Moisture: Moist well drained, will tolerate drier conditions once established


Plant Size: H 10′ W 10′

Leaf and Stem shape: Dark glossy green, broadly oblong, sparsely-spined leaves

Flower:  Drooping racemes of rich orange flowers, tinged red in bud, followed by blue-black berries

Pruning: Can be pruned hard, will grow back, to maintain natural form use thinning cuts to base

Maintenance: Low

Landscape use: Informal hedges, screens, banks and slopes

Propagate: By seed or semi hardwood cuttings

Pests & Disease: None in Victoria

*Deer resistant

Comments: Dramatic colour, beware of thorns ~AGM winner


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