Oemleria cerasiformis

Scientific name: Oemleria cerasiformis

Synonym: Osmaronia cerasiformis


Common names: “Indian plum” “osoberry” “Oregon plum”

Plant Type: Deciduous shrub


Zone: 6-9

Light: Partial shade best, tolerates full sun

Exposure: Exposed or sheltered

Soil: Native soil, not fussy

Moisture: Tolerates moister sites in winter and summer drought


Plant Size: H 10-15′ W 12′

Leaf and Stem shape: Pale green lance-shaped leaves

Flower: Drooping racemes of small flowers opening before the leaves in early spring, followed on female plants by plum-like purple-orange fruits

Pruning: Handles hard pruning, can be coppiced

Maintenance: Low

Landscape use: Hedgerows, erosion control, grows wild in ditches, not often used in flower beds.

Propagate: By seed, cuttings, and suckers

Pests & Disease: Generally disease free

♥Attracts hummingbirds

Comments: Good for early bees, boring after flowers are gone, orange berries in fall if both male and female plants are present


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